Deep Inner Ear Really Hurts Do I Have The Flu Or Something Like It?

Do I have the flu or something like it? - deep inner ear really hurts

On Sunday, shortly after completing my Christmas shopping, I went to Burger King to eat to kill time until my bus came. Immediately after taking a ball of salt (some call them French fries) and put it into his mouth, my throat started to annoy.

2 hours later the pain was much worse. The next day I woke up feeling very low labor costs and half-day 9.5hrs of my skin was very sensitive and painful. later (Monday) evening, I started a hell of an ax head and lymph nodes was very painful for the first time in my life.

My inner ear were rare. it hurts and I can not hear anything good that I water in my ears. I am very hot and sweat a little. I Acha and joint pain. It is now Tuesday and I called in sickat work. My voice is very deep, like Barry White or something. My boss told me: "If there is too sick" sounds lol ^ _ ^.

I take a "maximum force Panadol ',' Strepsils + Plus anesthesia, and TCP antiseptic liquid. Oh, and I have no sense of smell. I do not feel the TCP protocol. J 'have a little light and illuminates the back and neck looked in a mirror. There are small blisters on the back of the neck.


Average Life Of A Ford Starter What Is The Average Life Of A CAR (small & Sedan-Ford Mondeo) In Years And In Km?

What is the average life of a CAR (small & sedan-Ford Mondeo) in years and in Km? - average life of a ford starter

I want to buy one kilometers, are then used as car I prefer to run as (20,000-30,000), or the safer side?

Trustyfiles Pro Blogspot Please Tell Me The Tips To Get Trustyfiles PRO ! Thanks!!?

Please tell me the tips to get Trustyfiles PRO ! Thanks!!? - trustyfiles pro blogspot

Please show me the serial number

Dvd Recorder Dvr531h How Do I Force A DVD Recorder To Copy A Protected DVD?

How do I force a DVD Recorder to copy a protected DVD? - dvd recorder dvr531h

I have a DVD burner and am going to permanently and buy a DVD with caresses, which were ruined by too. I want to buy only once and then make a backup copy of my DVD burner but the burner will not copy protected DVDs. They have a code on them (I think it's CSS), which prevents the copying of protected DVDs. I want to tell you all to my way around. I need for my DVD recorder to copy protected DVDs.

Thanks for any help I can give y'all!

Where Can I See Wagle Ki Duniya Serials Where Can I See What I Look Like With Black Hair?

Where can I see what I look like with black hair? - where can i see wagle ki duniya serials

I thought about dying my hair black, but I do not know if I could use. Is there something that I am to see you online, what should be done.

Brazilian Waxing Panama City How Is A "bikini Waxing" Or "brazilian Waxing" Being Done?

How is a "bikini waxing" or "brazilian waxing" being done? - brazilian waxing panama city

Until now I always open, but I think I want a wax or bikini waxing Brazilian real, but I'm not sure what to expect.
Please can someone explain what is being done? Will I be naked, "because" if someone applies the wax and controls? Is not it a shame? Please give me your advice and tips. Thank you!

How To Put A Disco Ball On The Ceiling Where Can I Buy A Disco Ball At A Store?

Where can i buy a disco ball at a store? - how to put a disco ball on the ceiling

I have to buy a disco ball ... Well, I need not, I will! lol ... They are great fun and great for when I dance ... I buy the disco ball and colored lights to turn. The problem is that I do not know where and at what price. I live in Des Moines, so think of it. If you have a shop I can buy a shop or have to be big. TNX. It can be hung on the roof of the ... and how?
Oh, and if you are one of these ... Tell me what I can put these catogory .. I was not sure so I think ... tnx

The Pubcrawler Another Night On The Floor What Store Has The Moose Logo?

What store has the moose logo? - the pubcrawler another night on the floor

Which has a lift of Nice, but I do not know what

is as follows:

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I have a Konica Minolta Dimage X1 I require software update driver for vista home premium help? - premium web camera driver

The software CD that came with my camera, I just go up to Windows XP can someone me websites that can show. Thank you, Frank

Install Parallels Boot Camp Can I Install Windows Vista On The New Mac Pro As Both Boot Camp And Parallels At The Same Time?

Can I install windows Vista on the new mac pro as both boot camp and parallels at the same time? - install parallels boot camp

I read that if you do as a training camp run faster, what's good for games, but I also want the flexibility that other programs used to perform a restart.

Average Bmi In Arkansas What Is The Rough Average BMI For A 14 Year Old Male?

What is the rough average BMI for a 14 year old male? - average bmi in arkansas

I am not aware of weight, just curious. The BMI is 20.9 so far from the norm? (I'm 14 years old, approximately 66 kg and 5 feet 10 inches)